Bankinter Particulares
Client Access
SECURITY WARNING Bankinter never asks to insert the mobile phone number and the complete number of digits of the Multi-channel password, Identification Document or the Matrix Card.
Bankinter, S.A., Branch office in Portugal, acts as a Bound Credit Intermediary of Bankinter Consumer Finance, E.F.C., S.A. - Branch office in Portugal.
If you need help please contact us on the number +351 210 54 80 00 (Call to domestic landline network. The cost of the call will depend on the specific prices that you have agreed with your telecom operator).
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Bankinter, S.A., Branch office in Portugal, is registered in the Securities Market Commission (CMVM - Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários), being authorized to trade financial services as in his Securities Market Code, n.º 1 of the 290 article (reception and transmission of orders on count of someone else).